Food Summit

The Food Summit 2022 is a food justice focused event that took place during the first 3 weeks of April 2022. The primary goal of the Food Summit was to generate awareness of the BIPOC contributions and knowledge of food and discuss how the HSU community can build food resiliency and equity. The total Spring 2022 budget approved for this event is estimated to be $29,100 in addition to a $2,000 match funding given by Food Summit partner, La Comida Nos Une. $10,000 of the Food Summit Budget was allocated to the Indigenous Foods Festival, organized by the Rou Dalaguur Food Sovereignty Lab. This project was brought to fruition by a combined effort of multiple campus partners including: El Centro, La Comida Nos Une, Rou Dalagurr Food Sovereignty Lab, OhSNAP, WRRAP, and many more. In the end the Food Summit had 21 events ranging from keynote speakers, workshops, and gardening volunteer days. In addition, 87 books, 100 bamboo reusable utensil packs, 99 pairs of gardening gloves, and 50 jars of compost were gifted to student attendees of the Food Summit events.
Additional Supporting documentation:
Flyers & outreach (scroll to Spring 2022)