Indigenous Foods Festival

Photo from previous indigenous foods festival of the information tables
Project Description: 

This idea requested funding for the second Indigenous Foods Festival (IFF) at Cal Poly Humboldt, which previously had 350 attendees. The Indigenous Foods Festival is focused on uplifting Indigenous Food Sovereignty across many regions. This inspiring event centered around the important work that folks across communities are doing to elevate Indigenous knowledges and foodways. Almost 50% of IFF event attendees consisted of representatives from various Tribal organizations, community and non-profit organizations, and local businesses; the remainder included students, staff and faculty from Cal Poly Humboldt. The second annual IFF was held in spring of 2024. The IFF is an opportunity for Cal Poly Humboldt to invest in visionary ongoing Indigenous and BIPOC food sovereignty work, helping to connect people to place and food in a way that is in an indivisible relationship with landscapes and ecosystem. There is an expected increase in scale from the 2022 IFF. 


Students Involved with Project: 
Cory Kragness
Kalani Ortiz




Total Funding:
