CCAT Mini-Split Heat Pump- XHF034

The project took six months to design (October 23, 2019 to April 13, 2020) and two months to implement (February 5, 2021 to April 9, 2021) for a total cost of $84,194.44. The completed system replaced the existing wood stove as the sole source of space heating at the time. By installing an all electric mini-split heating system, CCAT aligns its sustainability and carbon reduction goals to move towards zero net energy and toward being a completely electrified home. The system contains a single outdoor unit and 5 indoor units (4 upstairs and 1 downstairs). In Spring 2019 the Development Team compared emissions for a mini split system to that of an electric resistance system and a natural gas boiler system to calculate that this new system should save 4.9 kg CO2 yearly.